So here are some tips.
-NOTHING is on sale except if it has a red tag. This sounds like common sense but there are displays everywhere that make you think you're getting a deal when really very little at Wal-Mart is actually marked down.
-"Bakery" means just that. Things that where BAKED at Wal-Mart. That's it. There is not one ounce of flour in the Wal-Mart bakery. That's right. All of those delicious baguettes, bread, and bagels that you see come shipped frozen. Resist the urge to eat freshly baked frozen preservatives.
-If you see any can, box, bottle that has a dent in it that doesn't effect the quality of the product, BUY IT! If you push it aside to get the "prettier" one, then the perfectly good dented one will be thrown away. What a waste.
-Branch out and try one of the 143 yogurt flavors that you maybe wouldn't normally try. It's worth it.
-If you call an employee by their name (posted on their name tag for all the world to see) please don't put your hand on their shoulder and call them sweetie, honey, baby. It's just creepy. You don't know them. They don't know you.
Here is a picture of our awesome Wal-Mart #643 Frozen & Dairy crew!
This is Ty who I got really close to this summer. She is a mother of three, full-time at Wal-Mart, and she's in the Navy Reserves. God did some awesome work in her life this summer. Please pray that God keeps revealing himself to her to guide her and love her.
Dear Wa-Mart,
I will miss "slamming milk," running floats, stacking pallets, eating cake in the break-room almost everyday for some sort of celebration, morning meetings, safety meetings, the cheer, and all my awesome fellow employees.
Should I even call someone by the name on their nametag....? Maybe THAT'S too familiar...? Who knows stranger-nametag etiquette? Really...who knows..?